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A Sports Dad's Prayer

Thank you father, for the gift of my son/daughter(s),

and the opportunity to watch them play these games they love.

May I always be aware of the important role I play in these activities.

May I be for them a source of support,

to lend an ear when they need to talk,

to encourage them when things are difficult,

or simply to be their biggest fan.

Grant that I may have the grace to be for them

a source of wisdom and strength,

a positive example and a welcomed face in the crowd.

More than that, grant that I might play with them as often as I can,

understanding that our time together is one of your greatest gifts.

Father in Heaven,

You give us the greatest example of what it means to be a father.

May I imitate this for my own children,

and through support of their athletic endeavors,

help them always to grow closer to you.


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