St. Irenaeus said, “The glory of God is people fully alive.” A fully alive person has knowledge of what is true, good and beautiful. A fully alive person has the freedom to choose the right path and does what they ought to do with joy. The fully alive person is a person of virtue. There are four cardinal virtues which are the virtues that enable us to live as a moral person.
Help us Lord today to develop the Cardinal Virtue of Justice within ourselves and on our team. Dear God, we ask for your grace to work on developing the Cardinal Virtue of Justice. Justice in the sport world means respect for ourselves, our teammates, our coaches, our opponents, the officials. Jesus you treated every person with deep dignity as a holy creation made in the image and likeness of God. Help us to follow your model of self-respect and respect for others as we seek to do your will in our sporting lives.
In your name we pray to grow in justice while playing for the glory of God.