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2020 Project Play Champion

The Play Like a Champion Today Educational Series is pleased to announce that we have been named a 2020 Project Play Champion.


The Project Play Champions program annually recognizes twenty local and national organizations who are taking new, meaningful, and specific actions consistent with the Project Play framework which highlights 8 Strategies to help every child to become physically active and nurtured through a positive sport experience.

In 2020, Play Like a Champion will embark on a partnership with the Archdiocese of Miami Catholic School system to create a Physical Education Curriculum for 5-8 grades to roll out diocesan-wide in the 2020-21 school year. The curriculum will focus on teaching general physical literacy and goal setting skills in four areas: physical, mental, moral and spiritual goals that are tracked and recorded.


Upon the completion of the curriculum, Play Like a Champion will conduct an evaluation of the experience to discover its outcomes and areas for improvement.


You can read more about this exciting project and learn about other 2020 Project Play Champions on the program's website.


Play Like a Champion is thrilled to work in partnership with Project Play, taking action at the local and national levels through Play Like a Champion partners like the Archdiocese of Miami to provide a safe and nurturing space for all children to play and become Champions.

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